Broadcast SMS
- Choose from your contact groups! Create groups on your phone or in your GMail Contacts and you can send them a message in just 2 clicks.
- Read any text file from your SD card and parse it for US formatted phone numbers.
- Advanced regular expression validation of phone numbers.
- Store last used filename and SMS message text in the application's local preferences.
- Almost all of the text is localized and ready for language translations.
- Doesn't pollute your default SMS messaging app's in/out box with your message broadcasts.
- You're not required to have an addressee in your phone's contact list.
- File chooser to graphically select the file from your SD card.
- > 160 character messages handled at the expense of fewer recipients.
- Rolling 60 minute history of transmitted messages maintained to keep you from accidentally violating the Android OS limitation of 100 messages/application/hour.
- Google Analytics reporting providing data to help improve future versions.
- Tabbed UI
- JSON String parsing allows for notifications of upgrades, etc.
Screen Shots
Example Text File
(123) 456-7890
(234) 567-8901
(345) 678-9012
Just put 1 number per line pressing enter after each. Lines without numbers are ignored. Emtpy lines are ignored.
Lines with numbers nested will work, call me (678) 901-2345!
The number formats below and most iterations thereof will also work without incident:
1234567890, 12345678901, 123-456-7890, 1-234-567-8901, (123)4567890, 1(234)5678901, 123-456-7890, 1-234-567-8901, (234)567-8901, 1(234)567-8901, 123 456 8901, 1 234 567 8901, 123.456.7890, 1.234.567.8901, etc.